Needs no specific permissions, you may want to add following policies to it’s role:
(if you want to see CloudWatch logs of resource handler execution);arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess
(if you want more detailed tracing, package is built with X-Ray instrumentor).Section: Pipeline
This macro operates on dedicated template section, Pipeline
. It has sub-sections to set different aspects of CI/CD pipeline.
Configuration section is optional, and allows to customize managed pipeline. If omitted, default configuration is applied.
- string (default: Pipeline
)Managed pipeline resource name.
- string (default: HasCheckoutStep
)Name of parameter that controls existence of initial checkout steps.
- string (default: HasNextStage
)Name of parameter that controls existence of stage promotion steps.
- string (default: RequiresManualApproval
)Name of parameter that controls existence of manual approval step.
- string (default: HasCheckoutStep
)Name of condition that controls existence of initial checkout steps (it reflects parameter value).
- string (default: HasNextStage
)Name of parameter that controls existence of stage promotion steps (it reflects parameter value).
- string (default: RequiresManualApproval
)Name of parameter that controls existence of manual approval step (it reflects parameter value and considers also next stage condition).
- string | objectAuthentication type for Git webhook. If not specified, webhook will not be created.
- string | objectWebhook secret token. If not specified, webhook will not be created. This setting can be a string, but also complex construct (like intrinsic function call)
Any properties that will be passed directly to AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline resource.
Definition initial sources. These sources are used as inputs for the initial stage (based on HasCheckoutStage
parameter). For any further stage previous stage artifacts are used - for that see artifacts section below.
Each source is an entry with key being used as action name and implicitly output artifact name. Entry content is definition of CodePipeline action:
sources: checkout: ActionTypeId: Category: "Source" Owner: "ThirdParty" Provider: "GitHub" Version: "1" Configuration: Owner: "yourorganization" Repo: "reponame" Branch: Ref: "branch" OAuthToken: "{{resolve:secretsmanager:GitHub:SecretString:OAuthToken}}" PollForSourceChanges: false
Content of the pipeline. It is mapped into final AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
stages property elements. However there are some simplifications:
property (it will be calculated based on artifacts dependencies);InputArtifacts
and OutputArtifacts
are list of simple strings (not objects with Name
properties Owner
and Version
are not required (defaults to AWS
and 1
deploy steps no ActionTypeId
is required at all, this is the default action;Condition
property of stage;CloudFormation
deploy action input artifacts are detected automatically for TemplatePath
and TemplateConfiguration
properties if they are plain strings (it’s still possible to define additional artifacts explicitly).artifacts
Pipeline artifacts are artifacts of pipeline actions that you want to promote to next deployment stage. The same list will be used to build sources list of non-initial stage, binding deployment stages to chain after promotion (successful execution of previous stage). Right now only S3 is supported as artifacts transition (deploy action is used to push artifacts into next stage and source is defined in next stage pipeline).
Transform: - "WrzasqPlMultistagePipeline" Parameters: HasCheckoutStep: Type: String Default: 'false' AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' HasNextStage: Type: String Default: 'false' AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' RequiresManualApproval: Type: String Default: 'true' AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' Resources: BuildProject: Type: "AWS::CodeBuild::Project" Pipeline: config: resourceName: "DeployPipeline" properties: RestartExecutionOnUpdate: true RoleArn: "arn:aws:iam::765719665682:role/service-role/test" ArtifactStore: Type: "S3" Location: "test-local-lambda" sources: checkout: ActionTypeId: Category: "Source" Owner: "AWS" Provider: "S3" Version: "1" Configuration: S3Bucket: "test-local-lambda" S3ObjectKey: "pl.wrzasq.lambda/" stages: - # this is example of conditional stage Name: "Build" Condition: "HasCheckoutStep" Actions: - Name: "Build" ActionTypeId: Category: "Build" Provider: "CodeBuild" Configuration: ProjectName: !Ref "BuildProject" EnvironmentVariables: | [ { "name": "VERSION_STRING", "value": "#{codepipeline.PipelineExecutionId}" } ] InputArtifacts: - "checkout" OutputArtifacts: - "build" - Name: "Deploy" Actions: - Name: "Database" Configuration: ActionMode: "CREATE_UPDATE" StackName: !Sub "${ServiceName}-db" RoleArn: !ImportValue "infra:DeployRole:Arn" Capabilities: "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM" # `build` artifact will automatically be detected TemplatePath: "build::cloudformation/db.yaml" # since this is not a plain string value `templates` artifact needs to be added manually TemplateConfiguration: !Sub "templates::cloudformation/config-${EnvironmentName}.json" OutputFileName: "out.json" InputArtifacts: - "templates" OutputArtifacts: - "database" - Name: "EventsListenerLambda" Configuration: ActionMode: "CREATE_UPDATE" StackName: "events-recorder" Capabilities: "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM,CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND" TemplatePath: "templates::cloudformation/events-listener.yaml" TemplateConfiguration: "templates::cloudformation/config-dev.json" OutputFileName: "out.json" ParameterOverrides: | { "EventsTableName": { "Fn::GetParam": ["database", "out.json", "EventsTableName"] }, "EventsTableArn": { "Fn::GetParam": ["database", "out.json", "EventsTableArn"] } } InputArtifacts: - "database" OutputArtifacts: - "events-listener" - Name: "AuthorizerLambda" Configuration: ActionMode: "CREATE_UPDATE" StackName: "authorizer" Capabilities: "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM,CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND" TemplatePath: "templates::cloudformation/authorizer.yaml" OutputFileName: "out.json" OutputArtifacts: - "authorizer" - Name: "API" Configuration: ActionMode: "CREATE_UPDATE" StackName: "api" Capabilities: "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM,CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND" TemplatePath: "templates::cloudformation/api.yaml" OutputFileName: "out.json" ParameterOverrides: | { "AuthorizerLambda": { "Fn::GetParam": ["authorizer", "out.json", "LambdaArn"] }, "EventsListenerLambda": { "Fn::GetParam": ["events-listener", "out.json", "LambdaArn"] } } InputArtifacts: - "authorizer" - "events-listener" artifacts: build: sourceBucketName: !ImportValue "wrzasq:ArtifactsBucket:Name" nextBucketName: !Ref "NextStageBucketName" objectKey: "pl.wrzasq.lambda/" templates: sourceBucketName: !ImportValue "wrzasq:ArtifactsBucket:Name" nextBucketName: !Ref "NextStageBucketName" objectKey: "pl.wrzasq.lambda/"
MacroFunctionRole: Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: "sts:AssumeRole" Effect: "Allow" Principal: Service: - "" ManagedPolicyArns: - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" MacroFunction: Type: "AWS::Serverless::Function" Properties: Runtime: "java11" Code: # put your source bucket S3Bucket: "your-bucket" S3Key: "lambda-macro-pipeline-multistagecd-1.1.2-standalone.jar" Handler: "pl.wrzasq.lambda.macro.pipeline.multistagecd.Handler::handleRequest" MemorySize: 256 Description: "Custom CloudFormation macro handler." Timeout: 300 TracingConfig: Mode: "Active" Role: !GetAtt "MacroFunctionRole.Arn" Macro: Type: "AWS::CloudFormation::Macro" Properties: Name: "WrzasqPlMultistagePipeline" FunctionName: !GetAtt "MacroFunction.Arn"