
 * This file is part of the pl.wrzasq.commons.
 * @license The MIT license
 * @copyright 2016, 2019 - 2021 © by Rafał Wrzeszcz -

package pl.wrzasq.commons.text

import pl.wrzasq.commons.text.formatter.FormatterInterface

 * Text formats handler.
 * @param formatters All known format handlers.
class Formatter(
    private val formatters: MutableMap<String, FormatterInterface> = mutableMapOf()
) {
     * Registers format handler.
     * @param format Format name.
     * @param handler Format handler.
    fun registerFormatter(format: String, handler: FormatterInterface) {
        formatters[format] = handler

     * Transforms text from given form.
     * @param format Format name.
     * @param text Source text.
     * @return Generated markup snippet.
     * @throws TextProcessingException When specified format can't be handled or handler throws exception.
    fun transform(format: String, text: String): String = (
        formatters[format] ?: throw TextProcessingException("No handler for format \"${format}\" registered.")