CloudFormation template

Once you have registered type handler (see deployment guide), you can use resource in your templates:

        Type: "WrzasqPl::AWS::PasswordPolicy"
            MinimumPasswordLength: 8
            RequireLowercaseCharacters: true
            RequireUppercaseCharacters: true
            RequireNumbers: true
            RequireSymbols: true
            AllowUsersToChangePassword: true
            PasswordReusePrevention: 2
            MaxPasswordAge: 90
            HardExpiry: false

Note: Password policy is just an account setup, there can be no more than one password policy on the account. Deploying another password policy on same account will override existing one.


MinimumPasswordLength - int

Minimum number of characters allowed in an IAM user password.

RequireLowercaseCharacters - boolean

Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one lowercase character from the ISO basic Latin alphabet (a to z).

RequireUppercaseCharacters - boolean

Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one uppercase character from the ISO basic Latin alphabet (A to Z).

RequireNumbers - boolean

Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one numeric character (0 to 9).

RequireSymbols - boolean

Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one of the following non-alphanumeric characters.

AllowUsersToChangePassword - boolean

Allows all IAM users in your account to use the AWS Management Console to change their own passwords.

PasswordReusePrevention - int

Specifies the number of previous passwords that IAM users are prevented from reusing.

MaxPasswordAge - int

The number of days that an IAM user password is valid.

HardExpiry - boolean

Prevents IAM users from setting a new password after their password has expired.

Output values

PhysicalId - string (physical resource ID)

Fixed string to identify resource.