* This file is part of the pl.wrzasq.cform.
* @license The MIT license
* @copyright 2022, 2024 © by Rafał Wrzeszcz -
package pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.config.LambdaResourcesFactory
* Template processing which replaces nested calls to intrinsic functions to produce plain JSON representation.
* @param input Initial template state.
class CompiledFragment(input: Map<String, Any>) {
private var plainText = true
private var index = 0
private val params = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()
private val json: String
* Raw template serialization.
* @return JSON representation.
val raw: Any
get() = when {
plainText -> json
params.isEmpty() -> Fn.sub(json)
else -> Fn.sub(listOf(json, params))
init {
val final = traverseMap(input)
json = LambdaResourcesFactory.OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(final)
private fun traverse(input: Any): Any = when (input) {
is Map<*, *> -> traverseMap(asMap(input))
is List<*> -> input.filterNotNull().map(::traverse)
else -> input
private fun traverseMap(input: Map<String, Any>) = input.mapValuesOnly {
if (it is Map<*, *> && it.size == 1 && isIntrinsicFunction(it.keys.first().toString())) {
plainText = false
val (key, value) = asMap(it).entries.first()
when {
key == CALL_REF || key == CALL_GET_ATT && value is String -> "\${${value}}"
key == CALL_GET_ATT && value is List<*> -> "\${${value[0]}.${value[1]}}"
// this is the simples one - just elevate encapsulation
key == CALL_SUB && value is String -> value
key == CALL_SUB && value is List<*> -> {
value[0] ?: ""
// this is our notation - it will be handled afterwards
key == CALL_IMPORT_VALUE && value is String -> "\${Import:${value}}"
// this is specific to CodePipeline+CloudFormation but still - intrinsic function
key == CALL_GET_PARAM -> it
else -> generateParamPlaceholder(++index, it, params)
} else {
private fun isIntrinsicFunction(key: String) = key == "Ref" || key.startsWith("Fn::")
private fun generateParamPlaceholder(index: Int, value: Any, params: MutableMap<String, Any>): String {
val param = "param${index}"
params[param] = value
return "\${${param}}"