- /**
- * This file is part of the pl.wrzasq.cform.
- *
- * @license The MIT license
- * @copyright 2023 - 2024 © by Rafał Wrzeszcz -
- */
- package pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.processors
- import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.matrix.MatricesManager
- import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.CallsExpander
- import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.SECTION_RESOURCES
- import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.asMap
- import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.mapSelected
- import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.popProperty
- private const val KEY_MATRIX = "Matrix"
- /**
- * Handles expanding matrices into collections of resources.
- */
- class MatricesExpander {
- /**
- * Handles input template.
- *
- * @param input Current template state.
- * @param params Template parameter values.
- * @return Processed template.
- */
- fun expand(input: Map<String, Any>, params: Map<String, Any>): Map<String, Any> {
- val manager = MatricesManager()
- val rest = input.mapSelected(SECTION_RESOURCES) {
- asMap(it).filter { (id, element) ->
- val resource = asMap(element)
- // for now, we exclude matrix-resources - will be inserted once resolved
- if (resource.containsKey(KEY_MATRIX)) {
- resource.popProperty(KEY_MATRIX, { matrix ->
- manager.buildMatrix(id, resource.filterKeys { key -> key != KEY_MATRIX }, asMap(matrix), params)
- })
- false
- } else {
- true
- }
- }
- }
- // avoid unnecessary work and resources
- return if (manager.isEmpty()) {
- input
- } else {
- val callsExpander = CallsExpander(manager)
- callsExpander.processTemplate(
- rest.mapSelected(SECTION_RESOURCES) {
- asMap(it) + manager.generateResources()
- },
- params,
- )
- }
- }
- }