* This file is part of the pl.wrzasq.cform.
* @license The MIT license
* @copyright 2023 - 2024 © by Rafał Wrzeszcz -
package pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.matrix
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.CALL_GET_ATT
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.CALL_LENGTH
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.CALL_REF
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.CALL_SUB
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.ExpansionHandler
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.asMap
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.asMapAlways
private const val REF_PATTERN = "Matrix:([^.}\\[]+)(?:\\[([^\\]]+)\\](\\.[^}]+)?)?"
private val REF_MATCH_FULL = Regex("^${REF_PATTERN}\$")
private val REF_MATCH_PATTERN = Regex("\\\$\\{${REF_PATTERN}}")
* Registry to all matrices.
class MatricesManager : ExpansionHandler {
private val matrices: MutableMap<String, Matrix> = mutableMapOf()
* Builds new resources matrix.
* @param id Matrix resource identifier.
* @param template Template resource definition.
* @param matrix Matrix setup.
* @param params Template parameter values.
fun buildMatrix(id: String, template: Map<String, Any>, matrix: Map<String, Any>, params: Map<String, Any>) {
val map = asMapAlways(matrix["Entries"])
// sort to make predictable order of generated entries
val key = map.keys.sorted()
val idPattern = matrix["LogicalIdPattern"]?.toString()
?: key.joinToString(prefix = id, separator = "") { "\${${it}}" }
* Matrix:
* Domain:
* - ""
* - ""
* Role:
* Static: "static"
* Web: "www"
* Will result in:
* Key = ["Domain", "Role"]
* Entries keyed by: ["1", "Static"], ["1", "Web"], ["2", "Static"], ["2", "Web"]
* Entries being:
* - [{"Domain": ""}, {"Role": "static"}]
* - [{"Domain": ""}, {"Role": "static"}]
* - [{"Domain": ""}, {"Role": "web"}]
* - [{"Domain": ""}, {"Role": "web"}]
* Key doesn't need to contain field names, as it's ordered.
* Each matrix entry is list of matrix params keys and maps to value mapping.
val entries = key
// we map from sorted key for consistent order
.map { it to map[it] }
// initial seed of empty key mapped to empty matrix set
.fold(listOf(emptyList<String>() to emptyMap<String, String>())) { entries, (param, values) ->
val options = when (values) {
is Map<*, *> -> asMap(values)
is List<*> -> listToMap(values)
else -> listToMap(params[values].toString().split(","))
options.flatMap { (option, value) ->
// option key goes to entry path
// option value goes to substitution params { it.first + option to it.second + (param to value.toString()) }
matrices[id] = Matrix(id, idPattern, template, key, entries.toMap())
* Checks if there is any matrix expansion in current scope.
* @return State, whether there is any matrix definition.
fun isEmpty() = matrices.isEmpty()
* Generates list of all resources defined in current scope.
* @return List of resource models.
fun generateResources() = matrices.toSortedMap().flatMap { it.value.generateResources() }
override fun canHandle(function: String) = function == CALL_REF
|| function == CALL_SUB
|| function == CALL_GET_ATT
|| function == CALL_LENGTH
override fun expand(input: Pair<String, Any>): Map<String, Any> {
val params = input.second
// call to anything else than Fn::Length needs to contain Matrix:$ID[$Selector]
val value = if (input.first == CALL_LENGTH) {
// for length, we return number of matrix elements - this is only case when we simply refer to Matrix:$ID
REF_MATCH_FULL.find(input.second.toString())?.let { match ->
val matrixId = match.groupValues[1]
val matrix = checkNotNull(matrices[matrixId]) { "Checking length of unknown matrix `$matrixId`" }
List(matrix.length) { it }
} ?: input.second
} else if (params is List<*> && params[0] is String) {
} else if (params is String) {
} else {
return mapOf(input.first to value)
private fun expand(input: String) = when {
REF_MATCH_FULL.matches(input) -> REF_MATCH_FULL.replace(input) { resolve(it.groupValues) }
REF_MATCH_PATTERN.containsMatchIn(input) -> REF_MATCH_PATTERN.replace(input) {
else -> input
private fun resolve(match: List<String?>) = "${resolve(match[1] ?: "", match[2] ?: "")}${match[3] ?: ""}"
private fun resolve(matrixId: String, selector: String): String {
val matrix = checkNotNull(matrices[matrixId]) { "Reference to unknown matrix `$matrixId`" }
val parts = selector.split(",")
.map { it.split("=") }
.associate { it[0] to it[1] }
return matrix.resolve(parts)
private fun listToMap(options: List<*>) = options
.mapIndexed { index, value -> index.toString() to value.toString() }