* This file is part of the pl.wrzasq.cform.
* @license http://mit-license.org/ The MIT license
* @copyright 2021, 2024 © by Rafał Wrzeszcz - Wrzasq.pl.
package pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.apigateway
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.model.ResourceDefinition
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.Fn
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.asMap
import pl.wrzasq.cform.macro.template.popProperty
private val SLUG_FILTER = Regex("\\W")
* API Gateway definition.
* @param id Resource logical ID.
* @param input Resource specification.
class ApiGateway(
val id: String,
input: Map<String, Any>,
) : ApiTemplateResource {
private val properties: Map<String, Any>
* Map of authorizers registered in current API.
val authorizers: MutableMap<String, ApiAuthorizer> = mutableMapOf()
private val models: MutableMap<String, ApiModel> = mutableMapOf()
private val validators: MutableMap<String, ApiRequestValidator> = mutableMapOf()
private val resources: MutableMap<String, ApiResource> = mutableMapOf()
private val methods: MutableMap<String, ApiMethod> = mutableMapOf()
private val resourceIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()
private lateinit var deploymentHash: String
init {
properties = input
.popProperty("Authorizers", {
for ((authorizerId, definition) in asMap(it)) {
authorizers[authorizerId] = ApiAuthorizer(this, authorizerId, asMap(definition))
.popProperty("Models", {
for ((modelId, definition) in asMap(it)) {
models[modelId] = ApiModel(this, modelId, asMap(definition))
.popProperty("Resources", {
initTree(Fn.getAtt(resourceId, "RootResourceId"), asMap(it))
override val resourceId
get() = "ApiGateway$id"
* Returns validator of given type.
* @param validatorType Type of validation.
* @return Validator resource.
fun getValidator(validatorType: String) = validators.computeIfAbsent(validatorType) {
when (it) {
"BODY_ONLY" -> ApiRequestValidator(this, "BodyOnly", true, false)
"PARAMETERS_ONLY" -> ApiRequestValidator(this, "ParametersOnly", false, true)
"BODY_AND_PARAMETERS" -> ApiRequestValidator(this, "BodyAndParameters", true, true)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported validator type `$it`")
* Builds resources definitions.
* @return List of resource entries.
fun generateResources(): List<ResourceDefinition> {
val definitions = mutableListOf<ResourceDefinition>()
// api resource
id = resourceId,
type = "AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi",
properties = properties,
// sorted resources to ensure consistent order for hash computation
// deployment
id = "${resourceId}Deployment${computeDeploymentHash(definitions)}",
type = "AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment",
dependsOn = methods.values.map(ApiMethod::resourceId).sorted(),
properties = mapOf("RestApiId" to ref()),
return definitions
private fun computeDeploymentHash(definitions: List<ResourceDefinition>): String {
deploymentHash = definitions.hashCode().toString().replace("-", "0")
return deploymentHash
private fun initTree(
parent: Any,
input: Map<String, Any>,
scopePath: String = "",
scopeId: String = "",
) {
for ((key, value) in input) {
when (key[0]) {
// sub-resource
'/' -> {
val part = key.substring(1)
val path = "$scopePath$key"
val id = generateResourceId(scopeId, part)
val resource = ApiResource(this, id, parent, part)
resources[path] = resource
// https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-need-to-go-deeper
initTree(resource.ref(), asMap(value), path, id)
// method
'@' -> {
val method = key.substring(1)
methods["$method$scopePath"] = ApiMethod(this, "$method$scopeId", parent, method, asMap(value))
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("`$key` is not a valid API structure entry")
private fun generateResourceId(scope: String, part: String): String {
val slug = SLUG_FILTER.replace(part, "").replaceFirstChar { it.uppercase() }
var id = "$scope$slug"
while (id in resourceIds) {
id += "X"
return id
* Resolves resource reference.
* @param path Local resource identifier.
* @return CloudFormation resource identifier.
fun resolve(path: List<String>): String {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
// root element reference
return resourceId
} else if (path.first() == "Deployment") {
// resolving takes place after resources construction so hash will be available
return "${resourceId}Deployment${deploymentHash}"
val lookupId = path[1]
return when (path.first()) {
"Authorizer" -> authorizers[lookupId] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown authorizer $lookupId")
"Validator" -> validators[lookupId] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown validator $lookupId")
"Model" -> models[lookupId] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown model $lookupId")
"Resource" -> {
val key = unescapeReference(lookupId)
resources[key] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown resource $key")
"Method" -> {
val key = unescapeReference(lookupId)
methods[key] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown resource method $key")
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown resource type reference ${path.first()}")
// since in API gateway only full path parts are allowed as fragments this is only pattern possibility
// %/ won't work for top-level placeholder resources, but after first replacement only trailing `%` will be left
private fun unescapeReference(reference: String) = reference.replace("/%", "/{").replace("%", "}")